
"Friday night at Meyerhoff Symphony Hall, the audience roared its approval of the performers loudly enough to be heard in Hampden, even applauding lines of dialogue about the stupidity of bigotry or the possibility of people learning to live together and learn from each other. It seemed that this crowd wanted to underline each point. Maybe I'm reading too much into the response, but it sure felt to me like something cathartic was going on in the hall. That people were reluctant to leave afterward said a lot, too...Laura Marie Rondinella is a winning Tracy Turnblad, the "fat white girl [who] fights for integration," as Waters puts it. She is quite disarming in the love-struck ballad "I Can Hear the Bells" and the wistful reprise of "Good Morning Baltimore" in Act 2."

Tim Smith - The Baltimore Sun / Review of Laura Marie Rondinella as Tracy Turnblad in Hairspray in Concert with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, MD

"Laura Marie Rondinella's depiction of Hodel, Tevye's daughter, was outstanding. She sang as if she were in a Broadway production of 'Fiddler' and delivered her lines with a true understanding of her character."

- Vicki Kalmus - The Livingston Patch / Review of Laura Marie Rondinella as Hodel in Fiddler On The Roof with Livingston Community Players, NJ.


"Laura Marie Rondinella of West Orange played the role of Hodel. I didn't recognize her from her role last year in LCP's production of Seussical, in which she played Gertrude and was nominated for a Perry Award. It wasn't until I read the 'Who's Who in the Cast' that I realized both roles were played by the same person. That's certainly the hallmark of a good actress to be able to play the role of a selfish bird and the role of a teenaged daughter in central Europe equally as well. Ms. Rondinella has a fabulous voice and her delivery both this year and last was 'dead on'."

Nancy B. Dinar - West Essex Tribune / Review of Laura Marie Rondinella as Hodel in Fiddler On The Roof with Livingston Community Players,  NJ. 


"Leading this cast is Laura Marie Rondinella as Tracy Turnblad. She is dynamite in this role and makes the overweight girl into someone the audience can immediately identify with. Laura gains their love and admiration as this underdog character with her spunky and heartfelt portrayal. Laura's powerful voice soars in her many numbers including 'Good Morning Baltimore' which opens the show, 'Mama, I'm a Big Girl Now' where she begs Edna to audition for the show, Amber and Penny sing it to their respective mothers, too, 'I Can Hear the Bells', a fall in love at first sight love ballad when she first meets Link which turns into a dynamic dance number and 'You Can't Stop the Beat' where Tracy triumphs over all the odds. She acts her heart out in this role as well as singing and dancing excellently, too."

Tony Annicone - The Theater Mirror / Review of Laura Marie Rondinella as Tracy Turnblad in Hairspray with New Bedford Festival Theatre, MA

"Right from the outset, 'Good Morning Baltimore' sets the bar high for energy, and the cast delivers. As Tracy Turnblad, the irrepressible teen with the large-than-life personality to match her frame, Laura Marie Rondinella is the beating heart of this production, whether singing the endearing 'I Can Hear The Bells,' the darling duet with love interest Link, 'It Takes Two,' or the triumphant 'You Can't Stop The Beat'...Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy another of New Bedford Festival Theatre's highly polished productions."

Joanna McQuillan Weeks / Review of Laura Marie Rondinella as Tracy Turnblad in Hairspray with New Bedford Festival Theatre, MA.